Strut bar.......


Reaction score
Southern California
Lenth of this thread was reasonable considering Andi's efforts and I for one enjoyed following along...nothing of any value comes from a quick perusal.

with a little surprise within the parcel

So what am I missing?





Well-Known Member
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Vienna, Austria, Europe
Today i tried to install my strutbar on Günters Golf CSL!
@ iconoclast6 , tomorrow I try to do the same on Kurt´s 2800CS with stock air filter, i will let you know the result :

Clickable thumbnails:

As you can see, on the passengers side no problem, but on the drivers chance !

The wall between engine bay and ventilation/heating/wiper motor was not welded true-to-original !

For all of you, who are on my list, the measurement 135mm is very important :


BTW : fast3.0csi I still miss your receipt of payment ! Your parts are on the way with notice "Item distributed"

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Well-Known Member
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Vienna, Austria, Europe
You can see, every car is different, on Kurts 2800Cs the wall has the bend in the other direction...........:

He has a stock air filter an no problems.
He has installed a strutbar with pipe Ø 35mm, my tube has Ø 30mm :


Bill Riblett

Reaction score
Does Kurt's car have Zeniths or Weber conversion?

There was a question early in this thread about whether the original air box would fit on a car which had the Weber conversion with adaptors to use the original air box.

A problem results from use of the adaptors which mount the air box to the REAR of the original position about 1/2" (maybe 13mm), thus severely limiting the space for a strut bar.


Reaction score
Southern California
Not wishing to butt-in here but mIght not this be the easiest 125mm solution Andi


leaving 10mm clearance for the 1/2 discrepancy created by da Weber carb conversion?


Well-Known Member
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Vienna, Austria, Europe
Ok, leave, not leaf, ok, ok , ok.........english is not my native language ! :oops: Mea culpa, maxima culpa !

BTW ! Pronounce "Dreikugelwirbelwannenbrennraum" ! Can you manage it?

Gary (BMWMADMAN, CA) received the third parcel yesterday !


Reaction score
Southern California
english is not my native language...
Yes that's clear Andi and this is not easy to say... as you may think I criticize bear with me please a moment?

It's precisely the opposite that makes it possible for me now to even attempt to say this without blame or disrespect... as my high level of admiration of your talents makes it all the more critical to mention this with kindness and in passing ( 'leaf' above?) instead of pointing it out long ago and possibly offending you insteadl, as back then, six months ago some of your postings did create difficulty for me (for some time) and perhaps others more polite to even mention this publicly...yet realize that while attempting to fully grasp your true meaning here (and at times I could not)...this to some extent what will also affect your successful experience with new friends and peers here where English is their native tounge as well...and so in the future is for you to also consider ... see?

The English language (with it's multiple linguistic origins) is full of endless pitfalls where many words sound the same but have entirely different meaning...or worse adre even spelled exactly the same way and require face to face expressions or context to express properly.... Yes, that makes it hard to grasp for us natives here (when learning as children) and so we learn to speak perhaps a bit later in childhood than Europeans...and yet later in life we can perhaps more readily make fine distinctions, at least between ourselves..

Most recent advances in the process of sharing first on the telephone and now over the internet has created a problematic condition where peoples all over the planet are now almost face to face virtually (but not in reality) and the countless idomatic differences each culture has developed (over many centuries of time) now are being tested vigorously and are often unfortunately innocently misinterpreted.... most especially when the process is text only (as it is here).. and there's no personal, face to face contact of any see the problem we all face?

So in this highly technical age (especially with your engineering prowess and the particualr issues these e9 cars present) you (and not us as much) have boldly reached out here and if I may for a moment speak for us as a group it's clear that many of us seem to feel that we also wish to fully understand the more subtle elements of your postings...for one because your experience is most welcome and ingenius ... your photographs are top notch and expressive in great detail so I mention this as it's important also for us here to send you the necessary feedback your postings engender...and any process of communication requires inherently. You yourself Andi speak English as a second language FAR more clearly than many of your counterparts... as on other boards such as this one here (and Alpina, etc where you also post) it's practically like pulling teeth to get one's meaning across and or the reverse with some folks (Austrians esp) for some obtuse meaning...and the net result is that it could appear that people from your part of the world just don't care about the impact you might have on others (arrogance) when I am certain in this case that this does not apply to you...

...and that misconception, however incorrect may also impede your own efforts you work so hard to realize...without you realizing it the gap can become wider than it needs to be instead of shrinking (for instance the mailing/posting/coordination of the packages that came here was well organized but have you received proper feedback when you needed it..? Hardly)

Finally, I mention this out of respect for you and your accomplishments...and as you begin to get to know others here...unintentional miscommunication can also drive your less patient counterparts, peers and potential 'clients' to subconsciously avoid the trouble of discerning your true meaning and thus dealing at all with your on that basis as a result.... and that's just Human 'nature' ... so this is the crux of what I am saying just now...that simple mistakes will creep in... and as an engineer you are well aware of how difficult these errors are to remedy later...right? How many times have you 'kicked' your own 'rear' for not realizing a critical fact earlier so that it would not be such a big issue now?

So make your life easier ... perhaps as a suggestion allow someone there near you to review your postings and refine them a bit at a time....until you feel more comfortable and it comes more naturally on your own....and there you go...problem solved!


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Well-Known Member
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Comox, B.C. CANADA

BTW b tween u $ me i b leaf the "amerikan" wordage has bean bastardized oot of x istance u git it? LOL BTW
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Well-Known Member
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C0ckeysville, md

Yes that's clear Andi and this is not easy to say... as you may think I criticize bear with me please a moment?

It's precisely the opposite that makes it possible for me now to even attempt to say this without blame or disrespect...



Sincerely do not mean to offend, but was all of this really necessary to write? I for one am an American, college educated professional that speaks english as a first language and personally found this post more meandering/confusing than any post of Andi's that i've read. I understand that at times for some, it may take a moment to completely 'get' what he is saying but to recommend that he get someone to proof read his work before posting is a bit... extreme. I think maybe rather than asking him to proof his work we should take the 2 minutes on our end to (if necessary) read the post once more to try to understand what it is he is attempting to convey.

Also, i think its worth saying that even if Andi spoke and wrote english perfectly, there are still going to be differences in Austrian/German written and verbal communication (subtle humorous expressions, or references) that 'Americans' wont understand unless they've experienced the culture. Should we also then ask him to refrain from expressing humor in his writing or recommend that he get a firm grasp of the nuances of american culture before he posts? If the problem is that something that he's said or posted seems offensive or in any way rude or disrespectful, I think anyone with an issue should first consider the source... I've only been a member here for 2 years, but in that time I've seen many of Andi's posts and he has always come across as a funny, friendly and helpful member. Not the 'jerk' or arrogant type. And second, if there is some confusion or miscommunication, email him or pm him and ask for clarification.

Not trying to lecture here. I just feel as though rather than potentially discouraging someone from posting to the forum because they cant write or speak the language perfectly, we should meet them half way (understanding that english is not their first language), and push through any errors in communication.


Well-Known Member
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Vienna, Austria, Europe
Dear James (jranman) !

I hardly tried to find the right words for my answer.....but another did it for me :

I will say many thanks to "bimmerboy73" , he found all the words, I was searching for !

I agree with him absolute.

I wont give up, I will still bother you all in future with my stuff and gibberish, I hope I expressed myself clearly ! :mrgreen:

Chin up, Orangener
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Cupertino, CA
Myself, I feel guilty whenever a German speaker goes out of his way to communicate in English in a German car forum while I cannot write even rudimentary German.

We have grown apart Woz.