OEM Upholstery Fabric


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Hi Everyone,
I have spent hundreds of hours on the internet looking for seat fabric for my 2000cs.I am excited to say that I have just received from Albrecht Walloth the exact OEM material that I needed at a very fair price.
Also for anyone with faded seats can easily fix the problem with a minimal expence and an couple of hours of labor. I purchased a plastic bottle of liquid dye in Dark Navy,I than removed my seat cover which was fairly easy.With a small paint brush I spread the dye solution over the faded fabric blending in to the part of the seat that was not faded. At this point I was amased at hou good the match was.I than filled a large drum of water to use to rinse the cover. Next is the hard part. The dye must be rinsed several times until there is no color in the water. I first took the entire seat and put it into the clean (hot) water. The water of course turned dark blue. I emptied the water and repeated this several times,each time the water turning lighter and lighter.Next I used a high pressure hose and completely removed all the dye color. The fabric dried within a day in my workshop and if your are in a warm climate I would imagine a much quicker time period to comletely dry.By the way I also bought some welting and dark blue vinyl and replaced the dried out vinyl trim at the top and rear of the rear seat.Not so hard to do.
Anyone having any questions please contact me.
Good Luck
P.S. If I only knew how to email pics I would send some of my completed seats.