Reproduction Red handled screw drivers


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Northern Colorado
I am planning to make available in the next couple of months a set of two reproduction red handled screw drivers. The large fixed blade and the smaller reversible blade driver. They should be marked heyco, the large blade will be brite chrome plated as original or perhaps a bit nicer and the small handle will have the reversible blade or Phillips driver insert. Price projected to be $99 per pair and I expect them to be indistinguishable from originals. If you are interested let me know your level of interest, i.e. whether you are just interested/curious or if you want to actually purchase a pair given their accuracy and quality being the same as original. Email me at [email protected] or post here. To some degree the response of actual purchasers could decide the final cost but I don't expect it to exceed $99 per pair. Only sold as pairs for now, uncertain about future avail of either or.


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I am planning to make available in the next couple of months a set of two reproduction red handled screw drivers. The large fixed blade and the smaller reversible blade driver. They should be marked heyco, the large blade will be brite chrome plated as original or perhaps a bit nicer and the small handle will have the reversible blade or Phillips driver insert. Price projected to be $99 per pair and I expect them to be indistinguishable from originals. If you are interested let me know your level of interest, i.e. whether you are just interested/curious or if you want to actually purchase a pair given their accuracy and quality being the same as original. Email me at [email protected] or post here. To some degree the response of actual purchasers could decide the final cost but I don't expect it to exceed $99 per pair. Only sold as pairs for now, uncertain about future avail of either or.

Dan, I'm thankful for your participation in this hobby but are you sure this is legal ?


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Newmarket, New Hampshire
better order yours before Heyco finds out!!
Thanks for the effort! I have been looking into that for ages and have not been successful.
I have a set, otherwise I would be in.


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Atlanta, GA
of course its not completely legal if they are still in business, and you call them a heyco tool. probably better to describe them, not mentioning the heyco casting, but delivering them with it. chinese fakes are sold all the time with information like "heyco recreation" or "heyco reproduction" to not claim its an original.


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It's just a tribute tool. No different than a tribute band. Since the legality is up in the air, and my name is on the forum, I might know a guy who knows a guy who might be interested in seeing the final product.


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Northern Colorado
I am not sure its any less legal than all of us who have CSL spoilers for sale when it was originally designed and sold by BMW for the E9 coupes. I know, no manufacturer's name on that item but perhaps I should sell the drivers without the name on it.

Who would refuse to buy it without the name on the driver? The small one has no name on it and I have one of the large ones without the name. That might be the way to go.

So I need some guidance in the form of your opinion, those of you interested in buying. Would you buy without the name molded in or printed on the tool? The only large ones I have one has the name printed in white and the other has no name at all. I can send pics of the one I have with nothing to prove its true. Or you could ask the resident expert on red handled screwdrivers, execmalibu who at one time as I recall published pics of a number of variations of the same. Whats your input Jeff?

Who is in and who is not without the name? In fact I have never seen a small one with the name in it, not a red handle small one anyway. Anyone have one with the name and anyone without the name on the large handle? Sounds like poll time! Everyone go check your tool box if you have the red ones.


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Cupertino, CA
I can use the small one. Mine is red, has no name, but it is cracked.
To prove their are legit you could refund green ones and broken ones :).


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Gold Coast Australia
Both of my red small and red large have Heyco castings, the small with Made in W-Germany oppposite the Heyco. The large has CHROM-VANADIUM 1,0 x 7 stamped on the shaft. These are fixed blades.

Are mine genuine? All I can say is that they have definitely been used, which is what I thought tools were for, so they have been around for a while. If it is impossible to determine then perhaps it doesn't matter. Will it get to the point where the red handled screwdrivers need documented provenance?

It's only within groups like the E9 community where an item such as the RED HANDLED SCREWDRIVER assumes such importance. To outsiders it must appear quite mad.


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Phoenix, Arizona
I'd hope there would be something that would distinguish these from originals since I would hate to see the less-scrupulous people out there resell them as real. I've got several real ones that I worked hard to acquire for my cars and I'd hate to see great reproductions drive the market down on the original ones or worse yet being passed off as real (not suggesting that it's the case here...).


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I'm in for a set, preferably as original looking as possible but don't mind if no name etc.


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Georgia USA
I have 4 large each with "HEYCO" and 2 small with "Made in W Germany" only on both. Just for reference purposes only, and before someone asks: They are not for sale individually.
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Northern Colorado
I am going to offer the set of two red plastic handled screwdrivers, small without the heyco since I have never had one with and the large with the heyco molded in. The small will have made in W. Germany molded in and a functional reversible driver and the large will come with a chromed blade insert that is actually removed from a green handled driver from BMW. Green ones are not chromed from BMW but since the originals were chromed and the BMW blade is the closest to original I can find new I am having them chromed which of course adds quite a bit to the cost. They will be sold only as a set of two, no individual sales and will cost $99 for the pair plus shipping. Glad to sell wherever in the world but shipping will of course be higher.

As for being resold as original I have no control over that, mine will not be advertised nor sold as originals. They are reproductions and will be advertised as such. As can be seen from these postings there were innumerable variations on the theme, blades with heyco stamped in, handles with and without molded in heyco, handles with and without silkscreened on white heyco and size, blades with and without a hex at the base (Green ones have the hex and so will mine).

I appreciate the input from forum members regarding what they have and what they would like to have. I will only offer one variation and hopefully that will satisfy the market demand. Once again, let me know if you would like to have a pair, I will only be making twenty this first go around but if the market demands more will be made but I am not certain of exactly when. Get your requests in early to be higher on the list but please only if you are certain you would like to purchase them as described. If you have let me know you want a set but the description has made you change your mind, please let me know that as well.