SESF 2010/BMW Performance Center/Raffle Help


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Hello Folks!

As we near the one-month-out mark, I'd like to give everyone a heads up on what we're doing this year. Because our Friday itinerary involves the BMW Factory tour and as a first, does not include a mountain drive (for logistical reasons) we were looking for an alternative to quench our insatiable thirst for the oh-so-sweet sounds of combustion and the pungent smell of burning rubber. As such, we are currently working with BMW Manufacturing to make use of the BMW performance center to play around with some new BMW's.

Yes you heard me right. There are several courses that are set up at the center, including an autocross track, rat race (catch the leader) and an off-road course. All of these events would be held using a selection of BMW's most recent releases, and everyone who wants to enter to participate, (drivers and/or passengers REGISTERED with SESF) will be able to do so. There is unfortunately one caveat: we did not originally plan for this expense in our budget. The activities are quite affordable and we will subsidize them as best we can. The being said, chances are it will probably run somewhere around the $50-70/driver range in addition to the standard registration cost (which is not bad, given what you're getting!). In the words of the gentleman we've been working with at BMW, "I think it's a pretty reasonable price to pay to take some new BMW's and drive them around like a rental car."

This has not yet all been 100% confirmed, but it's solid enough that I feel good announcing it (and it's pretty exciting if you ask me! ...ok, so you didn't).

On another note, as I'm sure many of you have noticed, this has been a hard year for everyone... and this includes our sponsors. In addition to supporting our sponsors as much as possible (and letting them know that you appreciate their support of our event), I would like to ask for any donations anyone may have to our raffle. Over the years, we have had countless individuals bring items for us to raffle off and often times they are very unique and appreciated items. I would like to ask anyone who has any BMW paraphernalia or any other item(s) of interest to donate to our raffle and help make that most enjoyed portion of our event even better!

If you have anything you think would make for a good contribution, please make sure to put your name somewhere on it so we can thank you at the giveaway and mail it to Nat at:

Nat Arnold
1304 Weatherbee Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27103

We're all doing our best here to make Southeast Sharkfest as wonderful of an event as possible, and we know it's tough times for many. If you have any questions, please feel free to shoot them to me at [email protected] or call me at (305) 409-8772.

Remember, to participate in all this, you MUST be registered for Southeast Sharkfest!!! Visit and register today!

Best Regards,
Kai Xing
Nat Arnold
...and the Entire Southeast Sharkfest 2010 Team!