Northern Cal Fires


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Coeur d'Alene, IDAHO
I want to reach out to all of our Northern Cal brethren that have had to go through this nightmare that doesn't seem to go away. It's been a week now and my parents still can't get to their home. This is not to feel sorry for them in any way thread. They barely made it out alive and their home is one of only a few standing where thousands have burned around them. But they made it safe and so did their home which is truly a miracle. They are so lucky I don't think they even realize it yet.

Thank god for the Sonoma County Sheriff that rescued them with barely the clothes on their back at 1:30am in the morning while the hillside was on fire. Fire came to the doorstep. How their house survived I have no idea. All their neighbors homes and countless communities around them are gone, literally thousands of them. It looks like Hiroshima up there. Very hard to comprehend. I saw this picture and thought it fitting for the BMW community. The interactive satellite map on will really give you an idea of the amount of devastation. All I'm asking for is if anyone on here lost their home to let us know what we can do to help you. This is what community is all about. For those of you that made it, stay safe and our hearts go out to all that have lost everything. Hopefully not their lives.



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Delta, British Columbia, Canada
I cannot even imagine the terror. British Columbia has experienced a summer long assault by forest fires in the interior of our Province. The difference is how folks have pitched in to house, help save livestock, assist in getting displaced residents back on their feet again. It really is an exercise in helping others cope with natural disaster, and move forward. Thoughts and wishes for a quick recovery for all affected.